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Our Safeguarding statement

St. Martin’s Church and St. Thomas’s Hall take safeguarding very seriously and believe it is the responsibility of the church as a whole.

We believe that all people are made in the image of God and are to be valued and treated with dignity and respect.   With this in mind we are committed, as a church, to providing care and protection for all – having special regard for children, young people and those amongst us who are more vulnerable.

We undertake to exercise care in the selection, appointment, training and support of all employees and volunteers working within the building, or representing the church at outside activities.   This applies especially to those working directly with children or adults at risk.

Any perceived abuse of power by a church official will be addressed immediately and pastoral care and support offered to anyone who has suffered abuse.  

Concerns or allegations that a child or adult at risk may have been harmed will be responded to without delay and the church will co-operate fully in any investigation.

Any member of our church community known to have offended against a child, young person or adult at risk will be offered pastoral care and support, including supervision and referral to the proper authorities.

Rev. Johannes Roth (Vicar)

Church Safeguarding Officers:  safeguarding@stm.org.uk

Safe Spaces

Safe Spaces is a service for victims and survivors of church-related abuse. See this news item on the Diocese of Ely website.

Policies and Related Documents

St. Martin’s Church and St. Thomas’s Hall safeguarding policies are available below.

  1. Church of England ‘Promoting A Safer Church’
  2. The Parish Safeguarding Handbook, which has been adopted by members of the PCC, can be found on this page on the Diocesan website.
  3. St. Martin’s Summary Parish Safeguarding Policy
  4. St. Martin’s Safeguarding Guidelines for Vulnerable Adults
  5. St Martin’s Safeguarding Guidelines for Children

Diocesan Contacts

Contact details for the Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser  www.elydiocese.org/safeguarding.php

Telephone 01353 652747