Christmas is coming! view the schedule for Advent

Mission Support

Our Commitment

We have committed ourselves, as a church, to give 10% of our annual income from donations to support God’s mission to the world.

Supported Partners

Stuart & Abigail – working with the urban poor in South East Asia.

Andrew & Laura – in East Asia.

Ben and Ruth Harding – Ben works with the Universities & Colleges Christian in the Midlands and Ruth is teaching.

Abigail, Andrew and Ruth all grew up in St Martin’s and answered the Lord’s call among us.

Supported organisations

Friends International Cambridge – befriending visiting students.

Romsey Mill – creating opportunities with local young people, children & families.

Tearfund  Christian relief and development agency, working in about fifty countries to support those in poverty and provide disaster relief.

Tyndale House, Cambridge – supporting international Bible students with fellowship, accommodation and library resources.