Christmas is coming! view the schedule for Advent

Giving to St Martin’s

If you would like to support our ministry there are a number of ways to give, in addition to putting donations in the form of cash or a cheque, payable to ‘St Martin’s P.C.C.’, in the offering box. We also now have a card reader, so we can accept contactless payments.


Please click here if you would like to give online by debit or credit card, For smaller donations for various specific needs, select one of the options below:

If you prefer to give by online banking please mail us at to contact us to ask for bank account details.

Regular Giving

We encourage our church members to give regularly.

There are two main ways of doing this:

The Parish Giving Scheme enables you to give regularly by direct debit, optionally increasing your gift annually in line with inflation. To go directly to the page for St Martin’s, click here.

Standing Order is an alternative method if you prefer to review your giving yourself. Contact the church office ( for our bank details so that you can set this up through your own bank.

Gift Aid

Anyone who pays tax can make use of Gift Aid to give more to the church at no cost to themselves.

If you are using the Parish Giving Scheme, Gift Aid is included in that.

Otherwise please download a Gift Aid form here, complete it, and mail it back to the church office ( attaching the completed form.